Symptoms of Urea Cycle Disorders – News Medical –

By Susha Cheriyedath, MSc

The personal symptoms of disorders related to the urea cycle vary among the various types of these disorders. Typically, along with finish deficiency of urea cycle enzymes, symptoms present within the initial 24 hrs after birth and hence urea cycle disorders are mostly diagnosed throughout infancy. However, some kids begin showing symptoms just throughout early childhood.

In partial enzyme deficiency, symptoms are normally revealed in response to induces such as infection or stress. General symptoms of a urea cycle disorder are a result of hyperammonemia and consist of encephalopathy characterized by mind edema or neurotransmitter disturbance.

Neonatal Period

Babies born along with serious urea cycle defects normally reveal symptoms in the initial couple of days of life. Such babies appear typical ideal after birth and nurse well, however in the future the adhering to symptoms emerge:

  • Irritablity
  • Lethargy
  • Poor feeding
  • Vomiting.

Other symptoms such as hypotonia or Unsatisfactory muscle tone, seizures, ataxia, respiratory complications and coma might follow.

These symptoms create gradually in line along with increasing levels of ammonia in the infant’s blood. Infants along with ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) and carbamoylphosphate synthetase deficiency normally reveal serious neonatal symptoms, though deficiency of argininosuccinate lyase or citrullinemia can easily additionally create serious symptoms. Urea cycle disorders in infants are frequently misdiagnosed as sepsis or Reye’s syndrome. Infants along with serious symptoms will certainly die otherwise treated in time.


Children along with partial deficiencies of urea cycle enzymes might reveal symptoms just in early childhood. Clinical manifestations normally begin with:

  • Inconsolable crying
  • Self-injurious behavior
  • Hyperactivity
  • Screaming
  • Dislike for meals along with higher healthy protein content.

Gradually, Others symptoms such as constant vomiting adhering to protein-rich meals, lethargy and delirium develop. otherwise treated, hyperammonemic coma follows and leads to death. Undiagnosed kids along with behavioral complications and developmental delays unfortunately regularly end up at kid psychology clinics.

Hyperammonemia in childhood can easily be triggered by viral infections such as cold, flu or chicken pox, growth spurts, teething and meals rich in protein. Some kids along with arginase deficiency don’t reveal symptoms till concerning four years of age. Arginase deficiency symptoms are progressive growth failure along with severely afflicted reduced limbs, seizures, and psychomotor retardation.

The rarest of urea cycle disorders, NAGS deficiency, normally presents along with serious hyperammonemia, encephalopathy, hypoglycemia, movement disorders and recurring acidosis and diarrhea.


Of late, there is a marked boost in the diagnosis of urea cycle defects in adulthood, thanks to increased awareness among good health care professionals and advancement in diagnostics. many of them have actually just mild deficiencies of urea cycle enzymes.

Common symptoms seen in adulthood are:

  • Confusion
  • Slurred speech
  • Disorientation
  • Extreme agitation
  • Delirium
  • Symptoms just like stroke
  • Lethargy.

Since these symptoms are common in psychiatric complications such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, numerous of these adults observe neurologists or psychiatrists prior to diagnosis of a urea cycle defect. Lack of or delayed diagnosis and treatment in these people can easily also create permanent mind damage, leading to coma and death.

In undiagnosed adults, symptoms are normally triggered by viral illnesses, protein-rich diets, childbirth, over exercising, anti-epileptic drugs that create excess ammonia production, gastric bypass surgery and chemotherapy.

Carriers of OTC

About 85% of adult female carriers of the defective OTC gene reveal no symptoms. The remainder of the carriers present along with symptoms such as headache, healthy protein intolerance, vomiting, confusion, behavioral issues, lack of concentration and mild hyperammonemia. Intelligence levels in carriers are discovered to be mostly normal, though some carriers reveal subtle deficits in motor skills and non-verbal functions.

Studies have actually raised pertains to concerning common conditions such as liver disease, diabetes and cancer in carriers and Exactly how the drugs used to handle these conditions will certainly affect the function of the urea cycle.

Reviewed by Yolanda Smith, BPharm


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