Untreated Lyme disease can mimic early Alzheimer’s symptoms – Northwest Georgia News

While Lyme disease can easily result in significant good health problems, confirmed cases are relatively rare in Northwest Georgia.

Logan Boss, a spokesman for the Northwest Georgia good health District, said no cases have actually been confirmed so much this year in Northwest Georgia.

There were fewer compared to 5 cases reported in 2015 and 2 cases reported in 2014 and 2013.

Some of the symptoms of long term or chronic Lyme illness could mimic Alzheimer’s illness and others neurological illnesses.

The National Institutes of good health reports the initial phase of Lyme illness could start along with flu-adore symptoms such as fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches and joint pain.

The neurological complications could not appear until weeks, months or also years after a tick bite.

Humans can easily grab Lyme illness after being bitten by an infected blacklegged tick, regularly called a deer tick.

Chuck Waters, Region 1 game administration director for the Georgia Department of Normal Resources, said the tick spreads the illness after feeding when it come to blood from an infected animal, such as a mouse or bird.

Patients treated along with antibiotics in the very early stages of Lyme illness normally recover swiftly and completely.

Boss said among the easiest methods to stay away from ticks is to spray dressing along with permethrin, however he cautions versus making use of it straight when it come to the skin.

Exposed skin ought to be sprayed along with an insect repellent that includes a 20-percent DEET formula.

Ticks typically crawl up from the feet or legs as People walk with higher grass and brush.

Boss said tucking pants legs inside socks is an excellent suggestion once individuals already know they’re checking out be in a brushy area.

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